Roads to Here

Unconscious D/s

Those who understand others are intelligent
Those who understand themselves are enlightened
-Tao Te Ching

If you are reading this than you may be wondering if Dominance and submission is right for you, or, you may be wondering why anyone in their right mind would actively CHOOSE to participate in such a digressive pursuit, but either way I must start out by telling you that if you are in a relationship right now then you are practicing some form of Dominance and submission right now! You see, the concept of D/s is based, not on uncommon and extreme sexual tendencies, but on primal human instinct, human nature, human sexuality and the human mind. So logically, if one is A) human and B) in a relationship, then nature dictates that there will be one who is more Dominant and another more subservient.

With that said, one real differences between those who consciously participate in D/s and those who do not is...consent. And while that is simply one thing which separates us, consent is one of the most important and fundamental rules of a D/s lifestyle and something that we will talk a lot about in the following pages.

For now though, a great example of someone who is unconsciously practicing D/s is an old friend of mine (I'll call her Tracy to keep her privacy) who was married, and had been for a long time, to a man that she totally controlled. She was also in a position of control in her career and was very well known to be, for lack of a better phrase, a bad ass bitch. Needless to say, she was NEVER happy with her husband, always complaining about how she has to do everything, etc. etc. and I can guarantee you, that poor man did not have one ounce of power over Tracy and never, ever could as far as anyone on the outside could see. So anyway, we were having lunch and she was sort of gossiping about her lover... an older gent with a position in the company which was Superior to hers. She was talking about how amazing it was to be so in love, and for so long to this same man, whom she called, “the love of her life.” She then said that she kind of felt sorry for her husband because of the way that she treated him and that she had no idea why but would never dream of speaking to the love of her life in a such a way! I laughed softly for a second and said to her, “you don't talk to the love of your life that way because you know damn well that he would never stand for it, and that is what turns you on so much, and that is why the intense attraction doesn't seem to fade like all of the others but almost increases as the years go by.”

I kid you not, the realization that came across her face was like a lightening bolt and she was almost moved to tears by it. It was as if she finally solved some long lost mystery and could finally close the case!

I must admit that it was a learning moment for me too, for it was in that moment that I realized that D/s is in every person and in every day lessons, and until I started to think of it in those, more simplistic, terms I would not be able to experience D/s at the depths that I longed to.